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That’s when an older student, a night elf named Illidan, offers illegal magic to a solution to his thirst for magic.Ĭollege au with magic. As if his messy and problematic relationship with him wasn’t enough to stress him out, Kael soon starts feeling his magical energies off balance.

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Arthas acts hot and cold and Kael can’t figure out what he wants. He wants to focus on his studies, but when drinking at a party leads him to have sex with Arthas, a problematic guy with anger-issues, he can't help falling for him. Kael'thas Sunstrider has started his first semester at Lordaeron College of Magic. Alternate Universe - College/University.Jaina Proudmoore & Kael'thas Sunstrider.Dragonfruitie Fandoms: Warcraft - All Media Types, Warcraft III

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